Terrarium and air plant creation workshop

Sunday was a quaint and quirky new class on our flower school schedule working with succulents and air plants. 

We got hands on and our hands dirty making personalised terrariums from a variety of echeveria, each individually picked by the students. 

We particularly loved all the Instagram pictures of the finished designs taking up residence in the students' homes. Learning to create fun, natural art is what flower school is all about, after all!

Thanks to everyone that joined us and to When Love Happens Photography for capturing the afternoon. 

P.S We've just announced NEW FLOWER SCHOOL CLASSES scheduled for May and June. Jump on over and check them out. Then email  events@celsiafloral.com  to join in the fun!

Celsia Floral
Celsia Floral
Celsia Floral
Celsia Floral
Celsia Floral
Celsia Floral
Celsia Floral